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#markbass #bass #music #strings #musician #bassist #amps #bassamps #markbassamps #markstringsambassador #artistJ'aime la musique ... une chance !¡!
Regardez à quoi ressemble ma semaine actuelle:

Mardi = Pratique avec Sarah Sokal à Montréal
Mercredi = Duo Guit & Voix avec Mel DL à Owl's Head
Jeudi = Duo avec SULE à Val-Des-Sources ( Asbestos )
Vendredi = Rick Hughes à Paspébiac ( Gaspésie )
Samedi = Hommage à Bob Bissonnette ( Kamouraska )
Dimanche = Décès imminent ( Granby )

Merci à OPTIMA-Strings Canada, Can Play Music & à Markbass pour leur support indéfectible 🙏
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#markbass #bass #music #strings #musician #bassist #amps #bassamps #markbassamps #markstringsambassador #artist

Elevate your tone with our full range of Markbass strings—crafted to fit every style.
#markbass #bass #music #strings #musician #bassist #amps #bassamps #markbassamps #markstringsambassador
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Elevate your tone with our full range of Markbass strings—crafted to fit every style.
#markbass #bass #music #strings #musician #bassist #amps #bassamps #markbassamps #markstringsambassadorImage attachment

Lightweight design, Markbass sound 💛🔥

The MB58R cabs redefine portability 😎
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Lightweight design, Markbass sound 💛🔥

The MB58R cabs redefine portability 😎
#markbass #bass #music #strings #musician #bassist #amps #bassamps #markbassamps #markstringsambassador #lightweight #design #portability #cabs #soundquality #musicalequipment #gearImage attachmentImage attachment+1Image attachment
Short clip with Simon "ManBass" Daigle during a sound check with his MARKBASS Combo! #markbass #bass #music #strings #musician #bassist #amps #bassamps #markbassamps #markstringsambassador #artist Simon Daigle - Bassiste \ Bassist
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Little Mark CASA 58R – retains cool vintage and modern tone options, in a smaller, ultralight and high build quality chassis making a super portable package.

And just like our other amps in the 58R series, the LITTLE MARK 58R CASA’s new design features all the connections and controls on the front panel, keeping a clean rear panel with only power and speaker connectors – this offers optimal ergonomics making everything more practical.

#markbass #borntorun #passionbringsinnovation

#bass #bassgram #bassamps #bassplayer #instruments #sound #music #michaelleague #league #snarkypuppy
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Little Mark CASA 58R – retains cool vintage and modern tone options, in a smaller, ultralight and high build quality chassis making a super portable package.

And just like our other amps in the 58R series, the LITTLE MARK 58R CASA’s new design features all the connections and controls on the front panel, keeping a clean rear panel with only power and speaker connectors – this offers optimal ergonomics making everything more practical.

#markbass #borntorun #passionbringsinnovation

#bass #bassgram #bassamps #bassplayer #instruments #sound #music #michaelleague #league #snarkypuppy
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